Moon Mountain's mission is to promote the use of natural fabrics in clothing and textiles to encourage people to embrace a philosophy of sustainability. We believe that choosing natural fabrics, such as linen and cotton, over synthetic materials whenever possible can have a positive impact on the environment. Synthetic fibers are often unnecessarily added to clothing, textiles, and bedding, which not only affects the quality and durability of the products but also contributes to pollution in our ecosystem.
Research conducted by Professor Richard Thompson of the University of Plymouth revealed that textile fibers from synthetic materials, such as polyester and acrylic, make up more than 90% of all microplastics released during laundry. This study, published in the journal "Environmental Science & Technology" in 2016, highlights the significant contribution of synthetic fibers to microplastic pollution.
Another study conducted by the University of Newcastle in the UK, published in the journal "Environmental Pollution" in 2018, found that textile fibers can enter the environment not only during laundry but also during outdoor drying, especially when using outdoor-vented tumble dryers. This research further underscores the pervasive nature of microplastic pollution from textile fibers.
Additionally, a study conducted by the Microfiber Pollution and Solutions (MICS) International Agency and published in the journal "Environmental Pollution" in 2020 demonstrated that clothing made from microfibers, including synthetic materials, is a significant source of microplastic pollution that can enter marine environments and negatively impact marine ecosystems.
At Moon Mountain, we choose natural and high-quality fabrics because we are committed to sustainability and reducing our impact on the environment. We believe that by using natural fabrics in our products, we can help minimize the release of microplastics and contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet. We are dedicated to providing eco-friendly and durable options for our customers, while also raising awareness about the environmental impacts of synthetic fibers in textiles.
- Thompson, R. C. (2016). Microplastics in the marine environment: sources, consequences and solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(5), 2773-2785.
- Napper, I. E., & Thompson, R. C. (2018). Release of synthetic microplastic plastic fibres from domestic washing machines: effects of fabric type and washing conditions. Environmental Pollution, 231, 271-280.
- Browne, M. A., et al. (2020). Accurate and robust quantification of microfibers in aquatic samples: towards routine monitoring of small microplastics. Environmental Pollution, 266, 115423.